Please compare between 28M CLASSIC line dolls and 28M FASHION line dolls.
Our new 28M FASHION BJD has the same height as 16 inch fashion dolls. The size of 28M CLASSIC lines is on the average of 70cm, based on adult male ball-jointed dolls. And size of 28M FASHION line is on the average of 44cm, based on adult male 16 inch fashion dolls.
Although adult male doll is small, it will be very detailed and made exquisitely. In current state, we think if we work on maneuverability and trim details on the surface, it will be complete. FASHION Line dolls are concurrent with CLASSIC Line’s structure and form. The only difference is its size.
This is the comparison picture of AvantGuards-On Edge’s “INTEGRITY TOYS” which is being widely loved. Please compare the scales in size.
We ask you for your love of our small, but detailed FASHION Line.
Soon, pre-orders will begin and give unrevealed parts as present before the Christmas.
We will be supplying wigs, shoes, clothes, furniture, and accessories that fit FASHION Line. So be sure to check our accessories as well.
In order to make right sized shoes, we are currently producing outsole and last.
DollShe craft will always offer highest quality and variety styles.
We will be releasing both CLASSIC Line and FASHION Line together in our future as well.
After revealing master sculpt, we are planning event that will be step closer to your doorstep. The discount and our secret parts will only be given during pre-orders.
We will continue to strive for excellence in quality and service.
Have a nice day.
Sincerely yours,
DollShe craft