My beloved boy meets his first winter
My beloved boy meets his first winter
It’s mine Hound as The King Henry IV and Aushley as Anne Boleyn. Finally I made the suits for it. Dear Mr Dollshe thank you for yours amazing dolls.
Best-loved boy: Jacques-Yves de Puy, Comte de Havre de Grace (Bermann Le Lys Rouge)
My first and latest dolls; my Saint Demian and my Kuncci Séverin. Also, my hard won and much-loved Bernard, Palladino. It seems appropriate that all my core characters are now resincarnated as Dollshe dolls.
Closing of 28M FASHION Line limited Christmas full package orders Dear members, From much love from our members, 28M FASHION Line limited Christmas full package orders are now officially closed. From now, the orders can be made with head + body. The 30% discount will still be offered until the end date of orders. For…