There are lots of inquires for compatible Hand parts to Old 18M. Thousands of people are the owners of Old 18M Classic. They missed that why there are not lots of various gesture of hands parts for Old 18M Body. It seems that many customers liked the new 18M Mystic Body Hands parts, so we get some inquires about the compatibility with Old classic 18M Body. However, the size of hands parts for 18M Mystic Body is too big, so it is not compatible to the body. It should be smaller for the perfect compatibility.
If we make compatible Hand parts to Old 18M, then we want to ask you to buy it. Basic hands, gesture type 1 and 2, so totally 3 types of hands are supposed to make. If there is demand, then we will make it for you.
It is hard to answer all questions, so 1. Order the compatible hands 2. Do not order compatible hands, and simple questions are acceptable. For a week, we will gather the opinions and we will give a gift to a few people through a lottery.
The period of survey
From 20th December to 27th December
Gift for selected people
For one person. Full package of classic line doll(Optional)
For two people, Full package of fashion lind doll(Optional)
For five people, Bubblepet Molly