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EMPEROR78 body has been renovated.

EMPEROR78 body has been renovated.

The hands and feet of the EMPEROR78 have been scaled down to complete the body renovation. Following feedback about the difficulty of finding shoes due to the large feet, the final foot length has been adjusted to 105mm. It is now easier to find shoes, and 75cm shoes fit well.

The hands have also been slightly downsized to match the new proportions of the smaller feet.

New EMPEROR78 Body Size & Measurement

Head circumference 225mm
Neck140 girth 140mm
Neck130 girth 130mm
Chest 430mm
Waist 285mm
Hips 360mm
Upper leg girth 230mm
Lower leg girth 177mm
Upper arm girth 166mm
Lower arm girth 133mm
Wrist girth 83mm
Ankle girth 115mm
Height 780 mm
Shoulder width 240mm
Arm length 225mm
Leg length 425mm
Back length 175mm
Hand length 95mm > 85mm
Foot length 128mm > 105mm
Foot width 55mm > 42mm
Pubic bone to tip of foot length 475mm
Eyes 14 mm
Weight 3000g

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